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Preparing for Therapy: Strategies to Regulate Emotions

Written by: Aina Batrisyia Marsya Anuar Tan Joel Li Kai Jin Yuan Liew Emotions are real and can be measured and identified. They are strong feelings that everyone experiences, like fear or anger, in response to different situations. These emotions can shape how we...

Counseling – Treat Psychological Conditions

Counseling is a method for addressing mental health concerns through successive consultation meetings, alternatively called therapy or psychological treatment. Counseling starts following the initial consultation and evaluation (click here to learn about assessments)....

Unnoticed Hidden Cries

Domestic Violence Most associate violence with a physical act that inflicts pain to someone but in the case of domestic abuse, the violence does not end physically but also mentally as well. Domestic violence is not like any other crime, it does not happen because the...

Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)

When Anxiety “Robs” Your SERENITY What is GAD? Anxiety is part of our daily life. It is normal to feel anxious about something or about certain events, as it could be warning us of a potentially dangerous situation, helping us to plan ahead for it....

Grief and Loss Counselling

THE TRUTH is that GRIEF IS NOTHING TO BE ASHAMED OF We grieve because we love. Through our journey we can be healed. Grief is normal and natural response to loss. Though we often expect to grieve the death of a family member or friend, many other significant losses...