Keeping the Balance

If you are unhappy in your career or academician path, but not sure how to make a change, our practitioners help you identify resources as well as ways to manage stress so that you explore ways to successfully continue working while developing yourself.

Climbing the Ladder

Our counselors partner with you and may offer advice on how to improve one’s position at a job that is, for the most part, enjoyable. For example, possible ways to earn a promotion or the best methods to negotiate a salary adjustment could be discussed.

Opportunities for Advancement

Some careers are more flexible than others. Lawyers and doctors, for example, may shift their focus or area of specialty but will generally remain lawyers and doctors. Other careers or education paths might more allow mobility between positions in a given field.

What to Expect in a Session?

In a career counseling session, our counselor will help you explore skills and strengths, consider education levels and give advice about continuing education, and determine interests and personality type. Our career counselors may also administer assessments or...

Wide Variety of Career Paths

Researching a wide variety of potential careers may be overwhelming, and information on the skill sets and education needed for a particular position may be contradictory or difficult to find. Our career counselors will be able to provide valuable information in these...

Choosing a Career

Choosing a career is an important task, but it may also be a difficult one. It may not be easy to decide what type of job will be the best fit, and since our career counseling services help people assess their skills, needs, and desires in order to find a career that...