Overcoming Mental Barriers: Financial Strategies for Psychological Wellness and Resilience Your financial health and emotional well-being are deeply intertwined. It’s not just about making ends meet—your mindset around money, your habits, and how you manage...
Written by: Aina Batrisyia Marsya Anuar Tan Joel Li Kai Jin Yuan Liew Emotions are real and can be measured and identified. They are strong feelings that everyone experiences, like fear or anger, in response to different situations. These emotions can shape how we...
Enhancing Employee Performance through Assistance Programs, Fostering Work-Life Balance, and Promoting Mental Health Work and life balance is critical for professional growth and personal well-being. When personal and marriage issues seep into the workplace, they can...
Balancing Marital Issues and Work Performance: Coping Strategies for Enhanced Productivity and Emotional Wellness in the Workplace Work-life balance is essential, but what happens when the “life” part throws a curveball your way? Many employees face the...
Balancing Life and Work: Supporting Employee Well-being Personal problems, especially falling within marital and relationship realms, can drastically affect an employee’s performance. Thus, providing support systems and encouraging beneficial measures like...
Enhancing Job Satisfaction through Corporate Culture: Addressing Employee Turnover and Workplace Safety In the intricate world of corporate culture, a variety of factors can contribute to an employee's job satisfaction. From establishing a robust safety protocol...