Balancing WorkLife

Corporate Stress Management and Workplace Wellness Strategies When it comes to developing and nurturing a healthy, productive work environment, few things are as important as mitigating stress and promoting wellness. Trapped in the constant hustle-bustle of the...

Depression: The Parasitic Load

In 2016, depression was still ranked as the world’s number 2 disabling disorder but it has now outranked heart disease to become the world’s most disabling disorder. According to the World Health Organisation, around 264 million people world-wide are suffering from...

Sterotypes: The Inescapable Shackles

Stereotypes     “He’s Asian, of course he’s goad in Math!”  “ She’s so skinny, she must be Anorexic.”   When we meet someone, we automatically develop an impression of them based on their characteristics, like assuming someone extremely skinny has an eating...

Broken Hearts: The Bully and The Bullied

“No one heals himself by wounding another.” – St. Ambrose Bullying is a mode of aggression directed at someone intentionally and it’s done repeatedly in order to cause that person harm and pain. In response the person finds it challenging to defend themselves...

Begin with an Assessment

All psychological services begin with an assessment. During the initial consultation, your psychologist will determine the nature of your presenting issues. This includes inquiring about symptoms related to your mental health. An assessment of the extent to which it...


Adolescence is a sensitive time frame for those between the ages of 13-19. It’s a time of significant change which manifests itself both physically, emotionally and physiologically. Unfortunately the world today has made it seem as though all aAdolescents are prone to...