ADHD Explained
Coaching, Counseling, Assessments, Psychological Services, Employee Assistance Programs, and Professional Training Programs for all Ages

Treatment for ADHD
At Relationary, our practitioners are able to provide certain treatments for individuals with ADHD. Treatment for ADHD patients may involve a combination of behavioral therapy, lifestyle changes and medication. Behavioral therapy can help people with ADHD learn strategies for managing their symptoms, such as improving time management skills and creating an organized life routine. Lifestyle changes, such as getting regular exercise and maintaining a healthy diet, can also be helpful in managing symptoms. Medications such as stimulants are often prescribed to help improve focus and reduce hyperactivity-impulsivity

Treatment for ADHD
At Relationary, our practitioners are able to provide certain treatments for individuals with ADHD. Treatment for ADHD patients may involve a combination of behavioral therapy, lifestyle changes and medication. Behavioral therapy can help people with ADHD learn strategies for managing their symptoms, such as improving time management skills and creating an organized life routine. Lifestyle changes, such as getting regular exercise and maintaining a healthy diet, can also be helpful in managing symptoms. Medications such as stimulants are often prescribed to help improve focus and reduce hyperactivity-impulsivity

While ADHD can be challenging, we at Relationary believe that with the right treatment and support, people with ADHD can lead fulfilling and successful lives. It’s important to remember that having ADHD does not mean that a person is lazy, unmotivated, or lacks intelligence. Rather, it is a neurological condition that requires understanding, empathy, and support from others.
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