Highly-Qualified Specialists
Evidence-Based Approaches
Globally Accessible & Affordable
Diagnosis & Holistic Healing

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Highly-Qualified Licensed Compassionate Therapists & Specialists

Personalized Evidence-Based Approaches to Assessment and Treatment

Globally Accessable and Affordable Holistic Services

Comprehensive Approach Towards Career & Organization Success

Getting Started is Easy


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Speciality Solutions

Adjustment and Situation Concerns

COVID-19 Stress, Fatigue, and Worries; Student/Academic Stress and Adjustment, Crisis Management, Moving, Migration and Expatriate Concerns, Life Stage Transitions, and Grief and Loss.

Clinical and Psychiatric Concerns

Trauma and PTSD, Depression, Self-Harm Thoughts, Bipolar and Related Conditions, Anxiety and Panic, OCD, Feeding and Eating Disorders, Dissociation, Personality Disorders, Schizophrenia Spectrum Conditions Dementia, Substance Use, and Unwanted Behaviors (Gaming/Gambling/Shopping/Internet/Porn, etc.).

Relationship and Family Concerns

Parent-Child Conflicts, Family Arguments, Separation, Divorce, Discernment, Infidelity, Blending Families, Sexual Concerns

Psychological and Educational Diagnostic Assessments

Developmental and Academic Worries, and Psycho-educational Assessment and Intervention Supports. 

Thriving with Neurodiversity and Different Abilities

Autism Spectrum, ADHD, Giftedness, Learning Disabilities — Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, Dyscalculia, Communication Delays, Twice Exceptional, Hearing & Visual Impairments, Early Intervention Supports. 

Health and Fitness Concerns

Pain, Migraine, Sleep and Wake Disorders like Insomnia, Chronic Illness, Weight Management, Fertility Struggles, and Fatigue

Career and Workplace Concerns

Career Interest Assessments, Identify Career Passion, Lost Passion at Work, Need Coaching for Promotion Success and Leadership Development, Unemployed, Toxic Work Environment or Supervisor, Career Change

Our Approach

We believe anyone can attain true happiness, whether adults, children, youth, male and female.